The range of Millennium blowers is highly appreciated for its performance and its reliability but mostly for its ultra silent feature.
- Millenium Blower
- Adaptability: The Millenium is small and light
- Heat: The ceramic heater preheats air for body comfort (300w)
- Tranquility: The Millenium motor rubber mounts absorb 95% of the motor vibration
- Performance: Twice as powerful as a conventional blower
- Memory: The Millenium blower can use a wide variety of air or electronic controls
- Quietness: The silencer integrated on the Millenium reduces noise to a minimum
- Nema Plug on 36" cord
This blower works on all pipe sizes from 1" to 2" pvc. Due to it’s internal design standardreplacement air blower motors should not be used on this Millenium Blower